Saturday, July 29, 2006


FENG SHUI-Energised and Blessed Products


Feng Shui Related Rare Books
Feng Shui 80 Golden Ways To Goodluck [English]
Guide Of Feng Shui Goodluck Symbols - By Jannardhan Gupta
Feng Shui And Amazing Crystals - By Dr Nitin Prakash [Hindi].
Feng Shui Vaastu Shastra [Hindi]
Feng Shui 151 Golden Tips -By Dr. Radhakrishna Shrimali
Feng Shui 151 Swarnim SutraDr. Radhakrishna Shrimali [Hindi]
Feng Shui Chini Vaastu Shastra[Hindi]

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Feng Shui, literally means wind and water, is an Ancient art of creating positive energy and is becoming a popular way to create ideal work and home environments. Feng Shui is called the "Art of Placement," that balances the life energies, or chi, in a living space. Using simple "cures," it increases the flow of positive chi and subdues the negative flow. And according to the theory of Feng Shui, harmonizing our personal chi with the chi in the environment puts us in harmony with the natural forces of nature and, which results in a healthy, happy and prosperous life.

Pronounced Feng Shway, Fung Shui or Fung Shuway, Feng Shui can termine the best location for anyone and help people avoid their worst location in any environment. Feng Shui is not a religious belief system - it is based on a set of calculations and a mathematical system that ancient Chinese scholars developed. It incorporates elements of astronomy, geography, interior design, environment, magnetic fields and physics.

Astroshastra provides the products blessed by a Chinese Buddhist monks to add to the purity and integrity of each product. By walking that extra mile, we sincerely hope we have added to the overall value of each one of our products, and that the blessed products bring purity and joy into your home. Please browse through our on-line catalogue. We are constantly searching the world for suitable Positive Symbolism and Feng Shui related stock. If you can not find what you want, then suggest it to us and we shall do our best to find it for you.

Feng Shui is based on the principle of Yin and Yang, and the balancing of five elements, including fire, earth, metal, water and wood. A Feng Shui analysis of a building examines the surrounding environment, the building and how the people inside interact with the building, and it also looks at time-related factors such as the birthdates of occupants and the year the building was completed. Based on these factors, recommendations can be made on how to improve the relationship with the environment using the elements as remedies.

The recommendations can improve the lives of the occupants of the property. To do a Feng Shui reading, a practitioner uses a compass called a Lo-pan to determine the energy characteristics of a building. Calculations are done and remedies are prescribed in order to balance the energy.

Dr.Amish Vyas